Sunday, June 12, 2011

A little outside time

There is so much shade we didn't have many choices when it came to where to put a garden. This is the before picture of the side of the house- it really does get more sun than this, it was overcast that day!

We ended up with 3 tomato plants 2 zucchini and 2 cucumber--OK so it still doesn't look sunny in this one either, but they do get at least 6-7 hours a day. They look AWESOME! and didn't even get transplant shock!!
And this little beauty spot is for the.....

Raspberries!!!! My mom brought some older cane along with the new AND we are actually going to get a few dozen berries THIS YEAR!!!! I can't wait. I am going to secretly hoard them and then make myself a late night ice cream!! We aren't sure if bunnies like raspberries (anybody know? they never ate ours in Kansas, but apparently the bunnies here are a bit more nefarious!).
The view from our back door. This little cement pad that will make the perfect four square playing "field" isn't that what everyone looks for in a house?

Back there in that little grove is where we are going to make a permanent fire pit! It is going to be awesome!
Dave brushed off his knot tying skills to hang this.


  1. I heart all the GREEN!!!! All we have in the desert is brown and gravel. It looks like a great back yard and you guys are making some SERIOUS progress on the house. Way 2 GOOOOOOO!

  2. I think that you can only truly appreciate these things in person! I can't wait for you to visit :)
