Sunday, July 10, 2011

Skeletons in the closet

Nope, no skeletons in here- they would never fit! So here it is--our master closet not very exciting and absolutely NO place to actually, you know, put our things.  We have been spoiled the last few years with walk-ins and stored all sorts of schtuff in our last closet.  SO a better closet was in order.
 This little beauty was on Clearance at Lowes!  
 So handy that he is taller than me- I think I will keep him around!
So we now have nearly enough space for things.  We are going to put one more shelf in the center unit and we put one of the original long shelves back in the closet on the very top of everything and an IKEA shelf system (like that little guy in the first picture, but bigger) with pull out baskets/bins at the foot of our bed that gave us 8 more big drawers and that about did it.  Good thing I don't collect shoes or clothes.....maybe I can start doing that at the next house :)  Still need to figure out a door thing.  We are going to do crown moulding in our room, so I thought maybe to some sort of wooden valence with crown moulding around it and some totally lush curtains???  I don't really want to put in a header to fit a "regular" door because then we would loose all that tippy top storage.  Maybe I should install a big pull down classroom map or movie screen :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow--I am seriously so impressed with all your hard work. It's going to be beautiful! And, I'm totally going to have to do some major repenting about coveting your oven/stove.
