I LOVE the fall. Not only do I love the weather but I LOVE as Mr Putter would put it "all the juicy things to eat!" (Mr Putter books are some of my favorite children's books)
I got these beauties from a neighbor...in hindsight I should have taken all those tart little green guys out, but it still turned out good.
I borrowed this guy from the same neighbor.
mmmmm, "homemade" grape juice. VERY nostalgic.
I LOVE grape jelly. I had never made it before and had a few gallons of grape juice on my hands. Is that like making lemonade out of lemons?? I guess it can't be, 'cause, since when is having gallons of fresh juice a bad thing?
Walmart had peaches for .50 a pound! I bought 10 pounds and I had to do something with them before my daughter ate them all.
*sigh* even messy, it is a beautiful kitchen. I can't wait to get that backsplash done.
There is something seriously satisfying about seeing a counter full of "canned" goods. Only freezer jams here, I think that they taste so much better than the processed variety. I can't wait for my counters to be full of canned apple pie filing!! On to find some cheap apples!